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Resin and Ramblings
Thursday, 22 December 2005
I've been slacking!
Well I've kind of been slacking on the journal entries and sculpting updates. Things have been so busy with the holidays coming up I haven't had much time for anything.

I have been working on some fitting issues and doing a ton more sanding on Alita. I've also started putting in the line up dot things for the different parts. I'll get some pics up as soon as I can.

I did add a new "In the Wings" page in the site. I listed all the kits I currently own and some of what I have to look forward to when working on them.

I did also add some color concepts tot he Un-named sculpt's WIP page. Feel free to let me know what you think of the colors.

There's a new banner on my banner page based on one of the color concepts for miss un-named.

I also added a couple new links to my favorite links page. Cody's Coop, whom most anime figure modelers know of and Rodger Dewberry's site called The Haunted Gallery. He does wonderful work with some great tutorials, especially regarded enamel paints. I'm tempted to pick some up and try his methods.

Anyway, not sure if I'll manage another update before i leave for the xmas holiday. I have a 14 hour drive xmas eve. We're going to visit my hubby's family in Michigan. 14 long hours with a dog, 8, 7, and 1 year old >.< We're planning on driving at night so hopefully they'll all sleep.

Well I'm off to bed. Good night and Happy Holidays!

Posted by mlfmodels at 10:46 PM CST

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