Well today was my son's 1st birthday. It's hard to believe a year has gone by since he was born already. He's growing so fast! We didn't do anything today but plan on geting my step son and step daughter this weekend so we can have a little party for him then. He's getting the weebles treehouse and a musical telephone thing. No clue if anyone else in my family will be getting him anything since we aren't really on speaking terms (refer to previous blogs for reasons)
On to another topic- my bank sucks. Big time. Lately I have not been able to figure out why our check card keeps getting declined. according to my checkbook there should be plenty of money in the account. Well today I go to the bank and get a print out so i can try and figure out what the hell is going on. Well turns out they've processed and returned a check 4 different times charging me $25 each time. The first time yeah, there wasnt quite enough money in the account. we deserved that one but the 3 following times the account was plenty in the positive after the check was processed yet they still charge us $25 and then return the check only to do it all over again! Hubby is going in on friday (his day off) to yell at some people since our rent check is most likely going to bounce because of it now.
I got a bit over eager (or more like bored) the other day and put up my xmas tree. I was cleaning and trying to make room in my son's room to put his toys since they dont really need to be in the living room anymore and the xmas stuff was in the way. so i figured
Posted by mlfmodels
at 7:39 PM CST